History Shows how to Make America Great Again

As I look at the state of the world today, and as I look at the kinds of insultingly attacking questions and responses I get from my Christian teaching on Quora I am tempted to think things today are the worst they’ve ever been.

How short-sighted of me.

The Old Testament shows us that attacks on those who follow God are as old as history. Trying to silence those who follow God’s principles is as old as Genesis. We decry the fact that people today think they know better than God how to live their lives. But isn’t that exactly what happened in Eden?

I’m speaking from the perspective of a person brought up in the United States, old enough to remember when our country had values based on the Judaeo-Christian values of the Bible. Those days are gone, and it seems the majority of Americans today are glad to see them gone. They reject that teaching. But why do U.S. Christians act so surprised?

I see two significant factors at work here, which have contributed significantly to the change in our attitudes, Neither of these are new in any way; in fact they are a continuation of trends we have seen throughout human history.

First, the more comfortable people are the less they think they need God. For millennia we have seen over and over that powers rise based on “good values” and become self-satisfied. We have accomplished all this. It is our strength, our wisdom, and our power. That attitude goes all the way back to the tower of Babel.

Second, since we have proven our strength, anyone who thinks we should acknowledge any higher power should be silenced because they are undermining how special we are. We can’t just ignore them, we must actively work against them because they are a threat to our own individual power.

In each case, the issue is the same; people who are comfortable find it easier to believe that they are in control of their lives. That is why throughout history the less-privileged people have found it easier to call on God.

This is why Karl Marx said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” He wanted to eliminate religion because it gave people hope for something beyond themselves, beyond their country, beyond their government. He believed that the right government could take charge, and take care of everyone’s needs.

If the last few decades have taught us anything, they should have taught us that our government is not made up of gods. It is made up of humans, desperately hoping to hold on to their positions of power. Every one of our political leaders—in every party—are being plied by interest groups working to change their positions. They all have wealth far beyond their salaries, from people trying to influence their positions. I don’t question that they all started with the highest of ideals, but the system has swayed them.

Which of our political leaders has solved our problems? According to https://usdebtclock.org/ the U.S. is currently over $28 trillion in debt. We have had more violent crime deaths in the U.S. in the first half of 2021 than in all of 2020. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought our country to a nationwide examination of racism 50 years ago, and yet racist crimes continue today.

The biblical book of Judges describes a bad time in history in chapter 21:25: In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit. That sounds like unguided anarchy, doesn’t it? But today things are worse. People are no longer allowed to do as they see fit. Rather, people are obligated to do as society sees fit. Do you have feelings about homosexuality or abortion or sex outside of marriage? Sorry, you’re no longer allowed to have your own feelings on these things. Instead, you are sued if you refuse to bake a cake celebrating something you disagree with—no matter that there are dozens of other bakers who would be happy to do so. Our culture must silence those who don’t acquiesce to popular beliefs.

The U.S. is no different from any of these—and as such, history shows us only one hope of turning around. God Himself gave the answer to King Solomon way back in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

The people of Israel abandoned all they knew about God, and their nation fell. The people were exiled and scattered to foreign countries. But they returned to God, and He brought them out of exile and rebuilt the nation of Israel. America will not be made great again by any political leader or movement. Only the Church can do it.

Will we?

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